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Bay Bridge Chapter Represents the Following Cities:

Alameda, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, San Francisco

Upcoming Event Information

Look out for our other upcoming events:

  • Nov 6 or 7: Communicating Sustainability in Infrastructure with SMPS
  • Holiday Luncheon – Dec 5th.  Scott’s Seafood in Jack Oakland Square




CMAA NorCal Bay Area Water Webinar
Oct 22 @ 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
SMPS – Building Successful Leadership Strategies
Oct 29 @ 11:00 am – 12:30 pm

Join Katie Miller for an action filled 90-minute virtual session that will focus on leading successfully through all stages of your career.  This program will provide you with the tools you will need to 1) understand leadership behaviors needed at all levels of your career, 2) be aware of your values and trigger points that might lead to conflict, and 3) successfully manage your way through conflict leading to better collaboration and overall results.

We all go through stages in our career that require us to understand the complexities and needs of our role, to align and build trust with our colleagues, and to work with people that think and operate differently from us.  This is a given. What we don’t always know is how to navigate these stages with grace and success. This will be the focus of this important event. In addition to learning from Katie, you will have the opportunity to engage with your peers in both large and small group activities. It’s an event not to be missed!

SMPS SFBAC Virtual Holiday Celebration!
Dec 9 @ 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm

‘Tis the season to be merry and bright. SMPS SFBAC celebrated the holidays and the new year ahead!

50% of the event proceeds were donated to 826 Valencia, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting under-resourced students with their creative and expository writing skills and to helping teachers inspire their students to write.

SMPS SF: The Elements for Business Development Strategies Today
Jan 21 @ 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
SMPS SF: The Elements for Business Development Strategies Today

BBC Member Firms: Register as Guest and Select “a Member of Partner Organization” (tickets $20). Add N/A for Member #.

Moving client interactions and business development activities into a virtual and new environment is stressful, confusing, uncertain, and let’s face it, not very exciting. It also shifts the way we set up our BD strategies and move them forward. It could be a while before we have face-to-face meetings over coffee or shake hands at a conference, yet talking to clients and winning work has not stopped. Join us to discover some elements for building BD strategies in a virtual environment. Some of these elements are standard, must-have elements that have changed or are changing and alongside some elements that will never change. The session includes interactive breakout rooms with real-time application of concepts presented.

Frank Lippert and Kathryn Ness with GO Strategies will walk attendees through the elements and help put the pieces together so they can craft a BD strategy that works in the virtual world for their firms. Having taught business strategies in architecture, engineering, and construction firms in public and private markets across the U.S., they have seen and heard it all. And they’ve learned a few tips and tricks to make relationship building and business development easier, even when it’s virtual. Come join the fun!

Learning objectives include: 1) understanding the elements of social media and technology to connect with new and existing clients, 2) how to apply the never-changing elements of BD to today’s virtual world, and how to piece the elements together to build a strategy that’s right for your situation.

Frank Lippert, FSMPS, CPSM – GO Strategies

Frank is the founder of GO Strategies. He provides strategic pursuit planning, strategic market capture planning, and the functional seller/doer training to clients throughout the US. Frank is all about helping teams work more effectively and more efficiently with processes, schedules, and tools that keep A/E/C firms’ business development strategy and marketing efforts on track. A good strategy and a focused approach to winning work with your target clients can save time and money, ease frustration, and lead to a happier workplace. Good, healthy, well-thought-out marketing practices lead to better team engagement, long-term marketing staff happiness, and more wins.

Frank has worked at small, medium, large, and mega-sized engineering companies in his 30 years in the A/E/C industry. He speaks regularly at SMPS, ACEC, WTS, APWA, and SAME conferences. Frank has served as the SMPS National Board chapter delegate and national president. He has been recognized as an SMPS Fellow (FSMPS) and is a Certified Professional Services Marketer (CPSM). Now living in Sacramento, California, he works diligently to help up-and-coming marketing and business development professionals reach their full potential.

Kathryn Ness, CPSM – GO Strategies

Kathryn brings an energy and vitality to the team that significantly promotes the mission of “making everything about marketing and business development easier.” With more than 20 years in the A/E/C industry, Kathryn brings an in-the-trenches perspective for how things work and, more importantly, how things can work better. She has held marketing and business development positions at small, medium, and large firms. Kathryn brings a professional, direct communication style that cuts through endless meetings and discussions and keeps teams on-point. Her sense of humor is balanced with a sense of getting-the-job done. She is an excellent listener and provides creative solutions that work, not abstract theory that sits on shelves.

Kathryn has facilitated client capture planning, pursuit planning, and seller-doer trainings. She understands the trepidation and nervousness that technical professionals go through as they “sell” themselves in relationship process. Her technique of putting a human element to building relationships has put comfort into the uncomfortable for anxious business developers. She has presented at conferences, including ASCE Roads and Streets, ACEC ASHE, SAME SBC, AICAE, and at SMPS PRC and at chapters (Arizona, Oklahoma, Los Angeles, New Mexico, San Francisco, Chicago, and Sacramento). She served a past chapter president for the Sacramento Chapter, and is currently a committee chair for APWA Sacramento Chapter.

ACEC EBC: SMCTA-SamTrans with April Chan
Jan 21 @ 11:45 am – 1:30 pm

SamTrans District Chief Officer, Planning, Grants, and the Transportation Authority, April Chan, will address upcoming projects, funding, studies, and how the San San Mateo County Transportation Authority responds to the new normal.

Thursday, January 21st
11:45 to 1:30 PM
Zoom Meeting
ACEC Members – Free
Non-Members $20
Scholarship Donations gratefully accepted
